Housing Choice Voucher

Housing Choice Voucher2025-02-26T10:21:49-05:00

The Housing Choice Voucher Program was established by the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. This program, funded by HUD, provides rental subsidies to up to 170 families who live in privately-owned homes or apartments throughout Douglas County.

Families pay approximately 30% of their income for housing and utilities while the SHA pays the difference. The Housing Choice Voucher Program is a partnership between private landlords, families and the Housing Authority. We recognize it takes all three working together to make this program a success and we appreciate the landlord contributions to this effort.

The NSPIRE for Vouchers Webinar previously scheduled for Wednesday, February 26, 2025, has been postposed and will be rescheduled for a future date. Thank you in advance. 


What if I have more questions?2020-02-21T12:15:54-05:00

Your Housing Specialist is your best resource in getting your questions answered. They will be happy to assist you with any questions that come up in the future.

What happens after I move in?2020-02-21T12:15:12-05:00

You will be required to attend an annual recertification appointment to re-determine your income.

SHA also understands that circumstance can change throughout the year. Please report all changes to your household size, income and/or deductions, to your Housing
Specialist, in writing, within 10 days of the change. The Housing Specialist will determine if the change will affect your rent portion.

You will have an annual HQS inspection of your unit.

If you have any repair issues that you have reported to the owner, but they have not made the repairs, you can request a special inspection from SHA.

Do I have to pay Utilities?2020-02-21T12:13:21-05:00

Depending on the unit you chose, you may or may not need to pay utilities. SHA provides a utility allowance for those that pay utilities at your briefing appointment.

The Utility Allowance will reduce your rent amount. Your Housing Specialist will explain this calculation at your move-in orientation.

Does SHA assist with deposits?2020-03-10T09:07:57-05:00

SHA does not have funding to assist with deposits. You can find other community resources on our Community Partner page HERE

How does the owner get paid?2020-02-21T12:12:08-05:00

You will pay the owner your portion of the rent and SHA will pay the owner the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) on the first of each month.

Can I pay the difference if the rent is over my max allowed amount?2020-02-21T12:10:42-05:00

No, this would be deemed unaffordable. Sometimes an owner is willing to reduce the rent to allow you to rent that unit, otherwise you would need to keep looking.

How is my portion of the rent calculated?2020-02-21T12:10:10-05:00

On the HCV program, a participant will pay anywhere from 30-40% of their monthly income towards rent and SHA will pay the difference up to a certain amount. These specific amounts use your adjusted annual income, voucher bedroom size and the payment standards to come up with the max amount you can afford for rent. These calculations will be explained at your briefing appointment.

Does the unit need an inspection prior to moving in?2020-03-10T09:06:01-05:00

Yes, SHA will schedule an initial Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspection with the owner.

HQS is a limited inspection that will identify any items that pose a health or safety risk.

You will find a sample of common inspection criteria HERE

If any items fail the inspection the owner will be given time to complete the repairs.

How do I find a unit?2020-02-21T12:02:30-05:00

On the HCV program, you are responsible for locating a unit that is acceptable to you and affordable.

You can research listings in the newspaper or listed online.

SHA may also have a current listing of available units in the office.

How much time do I have to find a unit?2020-02-21T12:01:49-05:00

A voucher is valid for 60 days.

If you are unable to locate a suitable unit in that time, you may request a 30 day extension.

Depending on the circumstances, SHA may or may not grant the extension, so we recommend you start looking as soon as possible.

What happens once I am deemed eligible for HCV?2020-02-21T12:16:45-05:00
  1. Your information will be compiled and your income calculated.
  2. SHA will determine your voucher bedroom size based on the following:The Superior Housing Authority will issue a housing choice voucher for a particular bedroom size – the bedroom size is a factor in determining the family’s level of assistance. The following guidelines will determine each family’s unit size without overcrowding or over-housing:
    Number of Bedrooms Number of Persons
    Minimum Maximum
    0 1 1
    1 1 2
    2 2 4
    3 3 6
    4 4 8
    5 5 10
  3. You will be required to attend a briefing appointment. At this appointment, SHA staff will explain the program rules and regulations, issue you a voucher and give you the paperwork the owner needs to complete.
  4. You will then search for a unit on the private market that is within your max amount using the payment standards. This calculation will be explained at the briefing.
  5. Once you find a unit, you and the Owner will complete the paperwork that was given to you at the briefing.
  6. Return the paperwork to SHA and staff will determine if the unit is affordable and whether or not the rent is reasonable.
  7. SHA will then schedule the unit for an inspection.

How Do I Apply?

In addition to our online version, applications may be picked up at the Administration office during office hours, or call to have one mailed to you.

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