Please note, these are larger files and data rates may apply if you choose to open/view these files on your data plan. Each file below lists the approximate file size.
Click Below to view and listen to specific sections of the PBRA Lease Reading document with Audio. After each file, close the window/tab to return to this page.
1. Parties and Dwelling Unit; 2. Length of Time (Term); 3. Rent (9 MB)
4. Changes in the Tenant’s Share of the Rent (10.5 MB)
5. Charges for Late Payments and Returned Checks and 6. Condition of Dwelling Unit (6 MB)
7. Charges for Utilities and Services (2.6 MB)
8. Security Deposits and 9. Keys and Locks (15 MB)
11. Damages and 12. Restrictions on Alterations (6.8 MB)
13. General Restrictions (5.4 MB)
15. Regularly Scheduled Recertifications (8.5 MB)
16. Reporting Changes Between Regularly Scheduled Recertifications (12.6 MB)
17. Removal of Subsidy (8.3 MB)
18. Tenant Obligation to Repay and 19. Size of Dwelling (6 MB)
20. Access by Landlord (3.5 MB)
21. Discrimination Prohibited and 22. Change in Rental Agreement (5 MB)
23. Termination of Tenancy (7 MB)